Dark Star Quadrant

Dark Star Quadrant

Ships in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia, Delaware and Maryland

Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/D.S.Q.FB/

Group: Dark Star Quadrant

Commanding Officer: Commander Martok sutai-lungqIj

Executive Officer: Lieutenant Commander Krikala vestai-Hov che'

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Dark Star Quadrant, NC

The DSQ Recruitment Training Depot is for warriors of the DSQ that don't have a ship in their area. The Depot is considered a ship.

Group: DSQ Recruit Training Depot

Commanding Officer: Lieutenant Commander Drech vestai-ToBar

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Staunton, VA

We are the crew of the I.K.S. Stormblade (aka. IKS jev'etlh) patrolling the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. We are based out of Staunton, Va. (Ship)

Website: http://thedarkstar.org/

Group: I.K.S. Stormblade

Commanding Officer: Marine Lieutenant Mayq tai-Henej

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Charleston, SC

Noble Klingon ship guarding the Charleston sector from all foes to the Klingon Empire! (Ship)

Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/305074699570172/

Group: IKV Dark Lotus

Commanding Officer: Lieutenant Commander Traela sutai-DevnoH

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Lenoir, NC

Senior ship of DMF, flagship of DSQ CO, prowls the western NC area, participates in Death Touch Squadron, focus on recruitment and charity fundraising. (Ship)

Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/125046667596469/

Group: IKV Executioner

Commanding Officer: IXL Brigadier Keela zantai-Septaric

Executive Officer: Commander Martok sutai-lungqIj

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Greensboro, NC

IKV StormBringer in Greensboro, NC

Website: http://sites.kag.org/stormbringer/

Group: IKV StormBringer

Commanding Officer: Lieutenant Commander Korath vestai-Septaric

Executive Officer: Warrior Noj

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Mechanicsville, MD

Proud Klingon ship with Stormtrooper crew patrolling the lower Maryland sector.

Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/163505424992549/

Group: IKV Stormwalker

Commanding Officer: IXL Lieutenant Krimhurg tai-

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Franklin, NC


Website: none

Group: IKV tlhIch HuD

Commanding Officer: Captain QatanI' sutai-DevnoH

Executive Officer: Lieutenant K'rae vestai-DevnoH

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Charlotte, NC

Proud Privateer vessel patrolling the Charlotte Sector for Honor and Glory!

Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/174647587074814/

Group: KPV Krimson Fury

Commanding Officer: Lieutenant Commander Dronoss vestai-Hov che'

Executive Officer: Lieutenant Commander Krikala vestai-Hov che'

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Asheville, NC

Qapla’! Welcome to the X.L.V. Shadow Fist, a Mandalorian vessel in the Dark Moon Fleet of the Klingon Assault Group. The vessel is based in Asheville North Carolina.

Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1392319080954783/

Group: XLV Shadow Fist

Commanding Officer: IXL Lieutenant Velke tai-Tho'ren

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Lugoff, SC

Proud Marine ship with Historic Age crew serving Columbia sector with Honor!

Group: IKAV Khitomer's Vengeance

Commanding Officer: Marine Captain K'Tarr tai-

Executive Officer: IXL Lieutenant Tali Nar tai-

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Charleston, SC

The XLV Blood Sword is an honorable Imperial Xeno Legion vessel patrolling Charleston, SC. Crew is predominantly Romulan.

Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/316872709682212/

Group: XLV Blood Sword

Commanding Officer: Lieutenant Commander Ulfgar vestai-Jarok

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